For many years, Jujutsu Kaisen has been the absolute king of the anime, with monumental battles, painful plot and the ability to make the audience wonder if the main characters will never rest. But in an unexpected development, My Hero Academia won the most popular anime title of the year, under the global demand award of Parrot Analytics.
Deku and his teammates returned to the peak, while Gojo was probably still trapped in Cuong Prison and could not do anything. How does this change happen? Why did the audience decide to award the first prizes to heroes instead of the artists?
The return of the glory of My Hero Academia
If My Hero Academia has done one thing right this year, it is a reminder to us why it attracts us from the beginning. The last part not only brings spectacular battles but also develops the characters in an unprecedented way.
After the war, Deku experienced a lonely and depressed hero, Bakugo continued to scream more than necessary, and Endeavor faced the consequences of his family tragedy.
But instead of trapped in tragedy, the film has found the perfect balance between actions, emotions and spectacular moments.

Moreover, the Studio Bones has done well its duties and maintains the desirable animation quality, avoiding production problems or delays that can reduce exaggeration. While other anime struggled with the impossible schedule, My Hero Academia continued her path without stumbling. The result brought a quality, emotional film season with enough powerful booming to keep fans on the screen.
So what happened to Jujutsu Kaisen?
Not Jujutsu Kaisen lost its appeal. This is still a fascinating series, with great animations and the script knows how to break your emotions. But somehow this year the audience tends to like Myo Academia.
One of the reasons may be due to production issues at Mappa. For many months, there have been many reports on the overwork of cartoon artists, resulting in uneven animation quality.
There are also more factors, while that while My Hero Academia finds the moments that give us hope in the middle of the chaos, Jujutsu Kaisen continues to crush the characters' dreams in a merciless way. . Amidst the painful deaths, goodbye and the enemy never stopped winning, the audience may feel need to rest.
Basically, if My Hero Academia is like an anime that tells you that “keep going, still hope”, Jujutsu Kaisen is the anime punching into your stomach and whispering “life is miserable”.
What is waiting for us in 2025?
With My Hero Academia regain the throne, the big question is: can it keep its position next year?
On the one hand, the film continues to grow at a stable rate and is preparing for the last season. But Jujutsu Kaisen will not stand still and may return stronger (and of course more pain).
It is clear that the anime is still at its peak, with stories that continue to attract millions of people around the world. Therefore, although the throne has changed the owner, the winner is really the Otaku community, who continue to witness this impressive scene through each year.