Griffith’s appearance gives no indication of the darkness within. With flowing white hair and features that some might call beautiful, he possesses an angelic face that belies his true nature.
Burning ambition behind that pleasant exterior, drives him relentlessly towards goals that few can understand, let alone achieve.
Yet Griffith did it, rising from common, obscure origins to become an influential and prestigious aristocrat. Such unlikely success speaks not only of determination but also of a tireless will that refuses to yield or give up in the face of any obstacle.
Griffith did not think of sacrificing anyone and anything on the altar of his desire.
This ambition turned terrifying when Griffith sacrificed even his own followers to secure greater power, actions so horrific that they eventually haunted him.
Although his actions caused suffering and death to many, they also brought chaos to the realm, setting the table for his ascension.
For better or worse, few people shaped the course of events in these lands more than the white-maned Griffith.
The motive behind Griffith’s cruel actions against Guts and Casca
Griffith may feel deeply betrayed when he overhears Guts and Casca discussing a future that does not revolve around him.
For someone as selfish as Griffith, who saw his followers as mere extensions of his dreams and ambitions, this was unacceptable.
He decided to punish them in the cruelest way possible.
Griffith knew that hurting Guts physically would not work – Guts had proven resilient to pain through his experiences.
However, Griffith realized that Guts was emotionally damaged when he came to Casca.
Likewise, as a woman who has been assaulted, Casca has internal weaknesses that other Hawks do not have.
In a confusing way, Griffith’s actions reflect a child maliciously breaking a toy so that others cannot play with it.
He felt that Guts and Casca, his property, had betrayed him. Having been a sexual victim herself, Griffith understands the psychological devastation of that trauma.
It’s likely he deduced that the child Guts also suffered assault, causing emotional distance later in life.
When Guts fought with 100 people to save Casca, proving his strength, it was also a way to escape his inner pain through fighting.
Griffith witnessed Guts and Casca’s devotion at one time and another. He knew this bond challenged his control.
As Femto, Griffith transformed Guts into a child brutally frightened by demonic attacks, robbing him of his ability to fight back.
At the same time, he wreaks havoc on Casca’s soul by forcing Guts to witness her transgressions, turning Guts’ love for her into a weapon against them both.
He sought to make their suffering absolute for daring to find meaning beyond him. Their ability to recover and escape is unpredictable.
Ultimately, Griffith’s cruel actions may largely stem from feelings of rejection and a need to dominate by any means.
Its harsh reflections on power and humanity
Berserk’s realistic depictions of sexual assault reflect a grim realism about such actions in our world – that rapists walk among us everywhere. The reasons behind Griffith’s violation of Casca caused much discussion and debate.
Griffith formed the relationship out of a desire for influence, not affection. Relentlessly pursuing your dreams means sacrificing the happiness of others for your own ambitions, culminating in tragedy. He views people as assets to achieve his goals, lacking empathy or concern for their humanity.
As Guts and Casca’s relationship grows, threatening Griffith’s influence over them, Guts in particular becomes an obstacle to domination.
The year of torture and watching his Band of the Hawks flourish without him further damaged Griffith’s soul, which was already crippled by the loss of his dream.
His attack on Casca appears to be an attempt to regain control of both her and Guts in the most obvious way possible.
But this spawned a cycle of revenge and dominance that still bleeds throughout the Midlands to this day.
Ultimately, Griffith’s actions reflect a man who lost his humanity long before becoming the evil Femto, able to casually sacrifice anything and anyone for the sake of his ambitions.
Berserk suggests that the monsters we should fear most will appear among us in fair disguises.
Griffith’s unlucky encounter with Princess Charlotte
Griffith’s intimate encounter with Princess Charlotte proved one of his most disastrous decisions.
Although the young royal had feelings for the handsome, daring Griffith, consummating the relationship before marriage violated serious taboos, especially among the nobility.
Fans debate whether Griffith’s actions constitute assault, as Charlotte clearly did not refuse or call for help.
However, her inexperience and Griffith’s position of influence complicated actual consent. Regardless, when the powers of the Kingdom discovered the deed, Griffith faced terrible consequences.
His punishment was a year of non-stop torture, both physical and mental abuse.
Although some may argue that Charlotte was partly responsible, as a princess she was protected by her status, while Griffith had no such shield.
In the end, his choice of passion for the Princess caused his high-flying ambitions and dreams to collapse in flames.
This fateful trial caused a chain reaction, pushing Griffith from the peak of glory to the abyss of despair.
His torn body matched his ruined aspirations. This severely damaged the confidence and sanity that Griffith had built through tireless effort.
The mental scars of torture will linger long after his release.