The spontaneous League of Legends tournament co-organized by MrBeast and Ninja is attracting a lot of attention from the North American and European communities.
Perhaps in the online community, especially those who regularly watch YouTube, it is no stranger to the name MrBeast. This millionaire male YouTuber is considered one of the most “big-playing” content creators on the YouTube platform. He does not hesitate to spend money to make expensive content both literally and figuratively. And most famously, it was when he recreated the Squid Game in real life with extremely expensive rewards.
MrBeast – A popular YouTuber with extremely expensive ways of creating content, both figuratively and literally
Recently, MrBeast has joined Ninja – a male streamer who is also extremely popular in the Esports village to continue to make another content: a spontaneous showmatch tournament and the chosen game is League of Legends. In particular, in the participants of this tournament, in addition to MrBeast and Ninja, there are also famous names in the professional League of Legends and streamer village such as Doublelift, Tyler1, Emiru, Yassuo …
MrBeast and Ninja collaborated to create a spontaneous League of Legends tournament gathering many names in the North American League of Legends village
However, this spontaneous League of Legends tournament is having a few problems. Specifically, according to Doublelift recently revealed, Riot did not allow Bjergsen to attend the tournament. In Doublelift’s personal opinion, Riot is being too rigid when not allowing professional players to participate in this tournament. According to the famous former ADC of North American League of Legends, if Bjergsen can participate in the tournament, or tournaments like this are encouraged by Riot, the North American League of Legends in general and the LCS will benefit greatly.
Doublelift’s opinion is agreed by the majority of netizens. However, according to some explanations, this is not the first time Riot has done this. League of Legends publishers have always had rules to protect the League of Legends brand against competitive “big guys” like DOTA 2, Heartstone (formerly)… Not only do not allow professional players to participate in unofficial tournaments. The way that Riot also has strict rules such as players are not allowed to play games other than League of Legends while broadcasting live – something that Doinb revealed not long ago.
There is no reason not to allow them (the players) to do so (participating in unofficial tournaments). I know it’s pretty tough, but this is just a showmatch. LCS is on break, this award is also for charity, with a YouTuber that can be said to be the most popular? This is an “L” for Riot
The LCS/LEC doesn’t allow players to participate in these types of tournaments. There is a showmatch between France and Spain during the pandemic, but people like Vetheo, Elyoya, Hans sama or Razork are not allowed to participate.
MrBeast may host a tournament on his own one day. He has shown interest in League of Legends. But of course Riot does not allow this. They’ve been expressing their views since 2012
Riot shows complete control of League of Legends. Nothing new. Are people surprised now? Riot has been doing this for years. It made a big impact on the fans. I’m just surprised that people are just starting to talk about it now
However, Riot’s work is not too difficult to understand. Because, for example in the case of Bjergsen, if Riot allows it but Team Liquid says no, this player cannot attend MrBeast’s matches. But even so, a part of neutral League of Legends fans also said that Riot’s actions are a bit too rigid. All are just to protect the interests and monopoly of Riot in exploiting players playing for tournaments under the management of this NPH.
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