While there are many reasons why people wonder about anime, there are also plenty of anime that can turn even the biggest skeptics away. Some anime are very good at attracting fans thanks to their incredible art and animations. Other anime will turn skeptics into fans because of their great writing and overall aesthetic.
Whether it’s through incredible art and animation or mature, unique or wonderful storytelling, there are many anime to introduce to people who don’t usually watch anime to avoid some of the biggest criticisms people often have about the medium. There are many reasons why people refuse to watch anime with varying degrees of plausibility, but that doesn’t mean they can’t change their minds about it.
As big as cartoon over the years, it’s still normal for people to not give it a fair chance. Old perceptions of anime as strange, perverted and – like all animation to some – childish still persist in some circles, and in fact some of anime’s biggest demands The same goes for many years of investment from viewers. a constant change for some.
However, there are some series that are simply amazing for anyone who has ever wanted to adapt someone to anime and that will turn even the most skeptical into a fan.
10 Anime Series For People Who Don’t Like Anime
Whether it’s spoofs, horror stories, or video game adaptations, these ten series are made for those who just can’t get enough of anime!
10 Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End has become a fantasy classic
Based on the manga by Kanehito Yamada & Tsukasa Abe
Year of release
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In an era where isekai and video game aesthetics dominate fantasy anime, Freezing: Beyond Journey’s End stands out as a simple fantasy story with great character writing and incredible animation to match. Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End is a breath of fresh air for those looking to return to the classic fantasy genre in anime in general, and for those who don’t usually watch anime, it’s an easy way to show that there are more variety than one. can think about both writing and visuals.
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9 Bocchi The Rock! Shows how creative Anime can create images
Based on the manga by Aki Hamazi
Year of release
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Coming from the same director as Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End, Keiichiro Saito, another great anime shown to the skeptics is 2022’s Bocchi the Rock! Just like Frien, Bocchi Kick! has some of the best animation of any anime in the past few yearsand the fact that it no longer fits the medium by constantly changing its art style and using mixed media like CGI and claymation to sell even more. Add in a poignant story about overcoming social anxiety and Bocchi the Rock! is perfect for showing how creative anime can be.
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8 Pluto shows how great Anime can be at both sci-fi and mystery
Based on the manga by Naoki Urasawa
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Science fiction and mystery are two of the most popular genres of fiction, and Pluto is a great anime for those who are skeptical about them. Pluto is a reimagining of the animated classic Astro Boy, and it masterfully combines excellent mystery writing with a classic sci-fi plot. to make a good detective story with excellent character writing from start to finish. Add in some excellent imagery and commentary about the Iraq War, and Pluto is not only a perfect modernization of Astro Boy, but also a great way to show how mature the anime is in its themes. topic and writing style in general.
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7 Death Note is still an incredible horror movie after almost 20 years
Based on the manga by Tsugumi Ohba & Takeshi Obata
Year of release
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Hulu, Netflix
For old anime to turn skeptics into fans, a great series that should be introduced is 2006’s Death Note. Book Death became a worldwide hit thanks to its intense brain games that fueled the thrilling elements of its story.and nearly 20 years later, it is still often considered one of the best anime for anyone to watch, whether they are new to anime or seasoned veterans. Death Note is a perfect example of how an anime can have action without resorting to over-the-top fantasy battles, and it’s a perfect series for those who need to see something like that. any.
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6 Azumanga Daioh remains one of the funniest anime ever
Based on the manga by Kiyohiko Azuma
Year of release
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While many slice-of-life anime have some gimmicks surrounding their stories, Azumanga Daioh prides itself on just focusing on being a simple sitcom, and that makes all of the comedic moments and more realistic story all the more difficult both in its own storytelling and when compared to similar stories. Azumanga Daioh is often credited with laying the foundation for the “cute girls doing cute things” anime genre, and for those who want to see how good those stories can be, this is the perfect place to go. perfect to start.
30 Best Anime For Beginners
Anime is extremely popular but the amount of choices can be overwhelming for beginners. So, here are the best anime for beginners!
5 Vinland Saga is an incredible work of historical fiction
Based on the manga by Makoto Yukimura
Year of release
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Crunchyroll, Netflix, Amazon Prime
Not every action anime has some sort of fantasy setting, and a great one to turn skeptics into fans is 2019’s Vinland Saga. A fictionalized account of the life of Thorfinn Karlsefni, the first Vikings to settle in North America, Vinland Saga begins bringing the Viking action to life with incredible animation before moving on a profound and mature story about violence and forgiveness, and that dichotomy is depicted surprisingly effectively from start to finish. No other anime captures historical fiction with such skill as Vinland Saga, and that makes it the perfect anime to make someone a fan.
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4 Attack On Titan is the first anime of the 2010s
Based on the manga by Hajime Isayama
Year of release
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Crunchyroll, Hulu
Many popular anime are gateways into the genre, and one of the best shows of skepticism is 2013’s Attack on Titan. Attack the giant has quickly become a global phenomenon with stunning and gruesome visuals combined with compelling mystery text and political commentary, and that results in it having the most overall quality and variety of anything in the last decade. There are very few anime like Attack on Titan, and for those who need convincing about the grand scale of anime, this is one of the best anime to watch.
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3 Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood has the perfect combination of action and plot
Based on the manga by Hiromu Arakawa
Year of release
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Crunchyroll, Hulu
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood is the long-awaited definitive adaptation of the original manga. It perfectly captures the excellent action, while also embracing the maturity and humorous writing of the manga, and it does so with incredible animation and overall direction that still holds up over a decade later. Fullmetal Alchemist: Fullmetal Brotherhood’s writing style and action make it an easy introduction to anime, and for those who need to see how great anime can be, this is one of the best anime to watch .
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2 Jujutsu Kaisen is one of the best modern action anime
Based on the manga by Gege Akutami
Year of release
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Action anime has always been one of the most popular anime and a great anime to turn skeptics into fans is 2020’s Jujutsu Kaisen. Since its debut, Jujutsu Kaisen has become one of the most beloved anime the world’s favorite thanks to the characters and story writing as well as the great animation and fight choreography, and it’s almost impossible to mention action anime without mentioning it at least briefly. Jujutsu Kaisen is a near-perfect example of how far modern anime has come both textually and visually, and it’s sure to leave any fan skeptical.
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1 Cowboy Bebop remains an enduring classic after 25 years
Anime gốc của Shinichiro Watanabe & Keiko Nobumoto
Year of release
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Crunchyroll, Hulu
Cowboy Bebop is often considered one of the best anime ever made and with its incredible animation, excellent character writing, and a unique aesthetic that incorporates sci-fi and Western themes and music, it’s easy to see why that opinion remains popular after 25 years. Cowboy Bebop is the perfect expression of anime’s style and creativity, and for that reason, it is considered one of the best animated films. The best anime turn skeptics into fans.
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