The game ‘cat simulator’ Stray seems to be attracting the attention of countless bosses around the world as their lotuses play the game.
While the gaming community is learning the game’s title and other players’ reactions, it seems at least one element of surprise has been intrigued by the game: the player bosses.
Stray is the newly released game where players are tasked with helping a lost cat find his way home in a futuristic cyberpunk city occupied by robots, which has been on the wish list of countless gamers. The prospect of playing the role of a cat has attracted the interest of many gamers, although Stray is currently just released so it remains to be seen whether it will live up to the expectations of those who have been waiting for it. are not.
While the gaming community is learning the game’s title and other players’ reactions, it seems at least one element of surprise has been intrigued by the game: the player bosses. Social media accounts are simultaneously sharing that the players’ cats themselves are fascinated by the game Stray
This time the bosses are not attracted to Stray due to any instinctive factors but it seems that the main character cat attracts the attention of the bosses.
Many Stray players have shared on the internet photos and videos of their cats watching the screen as they play the game. Dogs and cats often pay attention to what’s projected on the television screen, analyzing whether something might qualify as a predator or prey. Some videos are even made to deliberately cater to the cat’s interests. However, this time the bosses are not attracted to Stray due to any instinctive factors but it seems that the main character cat attracts the attention of the bosses.
Stray’s developers say they’ve gone to great lengths to recreate the realistic walking and movement of a cat in real life and recreate those things in Stray’s protagonist, and that seems to be the case. as the reason the bosses care or are wary of the game. The results from the developers’ efforts have been impressive, but they seem to do so well that the game even fools bosses into thinking another cat is on the screen. Add to that the ability for Stray’s cat to spill furniture, scratch furniture, and meow exactly like real cat behaviors, it’s not surprising that bosses can’t look away.
This is definitely a cute thing for cat owners and it will be interesting for you to play the game.
It’s interesting that many images and videos are shared showing players’ real-life bosses acting like cats on screen or mimicking behavior. This is definitely a cute thing for cat owners and it will be interesting for you to play the game. But if gamers plan to play Stray with their boss, they should also keep an eye on them because curious cats can knock over the TV or worst, can scratch and damage the screen.
See also: Stray raises money for homeless cats by hosting a game giveaway event