The reason behind the excitement is the fact that they will get three stories in a single Chapter. All top three, including Isabella, Xiang and Sophasis will make it to the table. So without further ado, here’s everything you need to know before it’s released My Wife Is A Demon Queen Chap 369.
The following side story will examine what Sophasis plans to do for the rest of his life. For him, Xiang is the only man he admires and respects. But now that the offer to join the emperor had come, he could not pass up the opportunity.
Summary of the previous Chapter!
My Wife Is A Demon Queen Chapter 368 begins with Isabella declaring that all her powers have returned. Xiang tells her that he can finally fulfill all the promises he made to her. But the demon queen knows that getting her powers isn’t the end. They all still have a lot of work to do. Xiang begs the queen to give him three days so he can build his army again. The high-tech army will give them the strength to return to the kingdom.
Meanwhile, the queen plans to rescue Sophisas while Xiang is gone. The next scene shows Sato torturing Sophisas in the prison. The man is being forced to fight him while he is still shackled. In Chap’s final act, the fight is halted and Sophisas is called in with a tempting invitation.
My Wife Is A Demon Queen Chapter 369: What Happens Next?
Three sides will be the highlight of this week’s demon queen story. In the first level, Xiang will venture to a remote land to build the high-tech army he promised his wife. In addition, he also needed the necessary raw materials and magic to carry out the quest. In the second level, Isabella will be in charge of starting another quest. She had told her husband that while he was away, she would visit the prison and take Sophisas out.
And finally, the final act will consider the man himself. Sophisas is Xiang and Isabella’s trusted ally. The final chapter teases that the emperor has come to the prison in search of a hero who can work under his command. So, My Wife Is A Demon Queen Chap 369 will introduce what Sophisas decides for himself.
My Wife Is A Demon Queen Chapter 369: Release Date
A lot of damage has been done. However, damage control is also underway. So expect at least two to three Chaps coming out this week. My Wife Is A Demon Queen Chap 369 will release on Friday, May 27, 2022. Fans can only view all the manga’s chapters on the official Naver, Webtoon, and Kakaopage sites.
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