This is a ranking of the most effective League of Legends champions from Platinum rank and above, if you want a better rank climbing process, please refer to it.
Top Road

Camille, Udyr, Olaf are the three outstanding faces in this lane with a high pick rate and a relatively high win rate. These top 3 champions are all popular generals with diverse skill sets that can be easily combined with teammates in the current League of Legends meta. In addition, three generals Garen, Teemo, Shen are also other easy-to-play champions on the list that you should consider choosing.
Mordekaiser, K’Sante, Sejuani, Wukong, Urgot are the 5 faces with the most modest win rate in this table.
Forest Road
Leading with a 70% win rate in this chart are three faces Warwick, Rengar, Rek’Sai, unlike the three excellent faces in the top lane, their pick rate is only about 3% on average. Extremely mobile champion quality, rich gameplay has helped these three generals ‘on top’ extremely strong.

In the group with a high selection rate, there are three faces Zac, Taliyah, and Gragas. These three champions hold a relatively high win rate, thanks to the extremely high quality Explosive barrels in the teamfight, Gragas is the best face with a win rate of up to 58%.
Diana, Poppy, Zed, Lillia, Mordekaiser are in the top 5 champions with the lowest win rate in this ranking,
Heimerdinger, Aurelion Sol, Karthus are extremely popular champions in Mid lane because they have a win rate of up to 77% – 87% but the pick rate is extremely low, only 1%. Veigar, Zac, Jarvan IV are faces with similar problems. This lane does not require too much mutation, just a skilled player can do miracles with these champions.

The top 5 champions with the lowest win rate in mid lane are Varus, Azir, Fizz, Malphite, Swain. Meanwhile, Viktor, Syndra, Kassadin, Sylas and Zed are the most used champions with outstanding pick rate.
SEE ALSO: League of Legends: Zac and Singed are actively dominating Mid lane these past few days
Leading the group of Gunners in League of Legends are still familiar names such as Nilah, Jinx, Tristana, Varus, Ashe. They have a relatively high win rate and pick rate. With a rookie face like Nilah, it’s relatively good to find a place for yourself in the meta at the moment.

The most effective ADC champions still call Lucian, Zeri, Kai’Sa, their extremely mobile and valuable champion quality makes them not overshadowed compared to the above strong group of ADCs.
Kalista, Ezreal, Akshan, Draven, Sivir are the 5 ADC champions with the lowest win rate in the current version.
3 generals Rakan, Rell, Taric are the three ‘Support’ champions that are really in this top 10 list, because the remaining champions are not pure supports. Specifically, Elise, Vel’Koz, Bel’Veth are the champions that players “break the way” to bring down to Support, because of the stable output damage, can easily overwhelm the opponent in stages. head.

In addition, other champions like Shaco, Zilean, Anivia, Heimerdinger are also relatively ‘strange’ and mutant Support faces on this list. Ashe, Senna, Janna, LeBlanc, Braum are the champions with the lowest win rate in the list of effective Support champions in Vietnamese sever.
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