From being an irreplaceable summoner spell in matches, Teleport has now almost disappeared in the Top lane.
The “sunset” of the Teleport mastery cast a shadow over even “Ginseng Land” – an area known for its slow, macro-heavy fighting style (Tactical Move). So why did the top laners decide to give up a summoner spell that used to be “unbreakable” in solo queue games? Let’s find out the reason with Game4V in today’s article:
The match tempo becomes faster:
With Riot changing the teleport now, you can only interfere with other lanes, which make teleport strong, from 14 minutes. When the meta (Most Effective Tactics Available) the most effective tactic that can be used at the moment) increasing the speed, the slowness of the early teleport doesn’t help you much. As shown in the chart above, the higher the rank, the faster the game speed, only about 25 minutes to have the result, so your “useful” number of moves is only 1 to 2 times. During the same time period, your opponent can already use other summoner spells to overwhelm you.
High-ranked players “Accept fate” very early
The resistance of the generals has been increasedUpdate 12.10 has comprehensively upgraded the “buffalo” of many champions, causing you to be short on damage compared to before. If you and your opponent both use teleport, it will be difficult for anyone to “solo kill” the opponent, and this is where players use “better” summoner spells. like Incineration or Express. With Ignite, the player using this spell always has a big advantage when a free heal reducer is available, in 1vs1 duels with players using Teleport, if it’s advantageous to have some solo kills then you will outperform and overwhelm the opponent, constantly pressing turrets so that they can only hold the turret without going anywhere, thereby eliminating Teleport’s roaming ability. As for the Express, this spell helps you have a dash in combat, if you score a kill in a fight, you can also regenerate the duration.
Statistics on the number of spell combinations used in the top lane
Single ranked environment is not suitable for TeleportTeleport’s greatest strength and fear is its ability to be in every hotspot on the map, but it requires your teammates to have good eyes to create a nice landing spot. This seems impossible even with a high rank, not to mention complex macros like split push, going together to wards is even more difficult when you can’t call your teammates well with just Chat. Teleport not only needs the user’s timing ability, but also needs good coordination from teammates. A “burger” teleport situation would be meaningless if teammates didn’t rush in, resulting in the Top laner being isolated and preying on the opponent.
Teleport becomes a double-edged sword if used incorrectly
Teleport will return:As the meta started to favor top laners like Volibear, Gnar, Poppy, etc., Teleport started to return to top. Tanks of this type don’t need burn damage, but prioritize the ability to stay in the lane early in the game and surprise in situations when teleporting behind the opponent. Along with the tankers being picked more, the gladiator generals will also switch back and forth with the traditional summoner spell, a little damage from Burning is nothing to do with the strong resistance of the tanker generals, so the possibility Teleport’s good odd push will be given top priority. 240 seconds cooldown is too short for what it gives late game.Conclude:
Using Teleport or not depends a lot on your playing style, if you want to play aggressive, looking for an early game advantage, use Ignite. If you play in a cover style to support teammates, Teleport will help the team a lot in the mid and late game.
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