Chained Soldier justifies its excessive and controversial fan service with its unique strength and subversion of gender stereotypes. However, adding unnecessary fan service to Chained Soldier detracts from the overall enjoyment of the film. Chained Soldier’s use of fan service highlights the industry’s reliance on this trope.
Warning: The following contains spoilers for The Chained Soldier #5 The new season’s nuanced plot is too obvious HIDE series The soldier was chained could persuade critics with the least tolerance for this type of content to partially accept problematic tropes as fan service. However, Chained Soldier’s use of fan service is so extreme that it ironically justifies this controversial form of storytelling in most other anime series is existing at its own expense.
In anime, fanservice usually only works for those who are specifically attracted to the controversial use of the activity. Anime lovers who don’t fit this particular definition of fandom see it less as a service and more as a denigration, and many good anime have been ruined by their use of the service’s intended audience. fan.
People who fall in the middle of this particular theme are often satisfied with fanservice as long as it’s related to the plot in some way, such as in romantic comedies with naturally problematic plots like More a married couple, but not lovers, and genres known for showing more skin than others or using certain compromising camera angles, such as zombie films or horror film. Ironic Chained Soldier tries to justify its use of fan servicebut in the end it still takes the practice too far.
Chained Soldier’s non-traditional fan service is justified, but only to a point
Produced by Seven Arcs, based on the manga by Takahiro and Yohei Takemura
Chained Soldier’s use of explicit content is excessive compared to most other shounen. However, these problematic moments are specifically tied to certain aspects of this anime, proving them more effective than other series. In the case of the Chained Soldier, they all stem from Kyouka Uzen’s unique powers and their effects on Yuuki Wakura. On its own, this move might seem like little more than a gimmick, but when contrasted with Chained Soldier’s already comprehensive satirical moves and subsequent deconstruction of gender stereotypes, the developments This adult theme takes on a more nuanced meaning.
However, and perhaps ironically, The chained soldier adds confusing fan service, despite having an inherently controversial plot that offers more than enough of these types of scenes, and the end result is not a positive one. Chained Soldier’s combination of explicit yet nuanced content and the use of fanservice in the traditional sense that doesn’t contribute to the plot creates a gratuitous effect. It seems so unnecessary that it then justifies the shallowest use of fan service in most other shounen shows.
Chained Soldier’s two types of fanservice are diametrically opposed
Even the latest episode of Chained Soldier has examples of both. In one of the Chained Soldier’s greatest victories, Uzen’s powers change in a specific way when channeled by Himari Azuma, and after Wakura benefits from them in a controversial manner often seen in series, the effect is great, as it deals with Azuma’s deconstructed view of Wakura as a man. However, earlier in the same episode, there’s a scene that takes place in a locker room and the Chained Soldier takes advantage of this already steamy situation as much as possible without entering NC-17 territory.
When compared to what happens later between Wakura and Azuma, the previous scene and every other scene are the same in previous episodes. is said to be completely unfounded, which detracts from the overall enjoyment of the show, even for those seeking this type of content. Compared to the entire shounen anime, moments like that in The soldier was chained makes every other use of fanservice seem entirely appropriate and a shame for an anime that might otherwise be more than just eye candy.
The soldier was chained available on HIDIVE
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