Genshin Impact has gone on a successful path and grown strongly over the past 4 years since its launch.
Ironically, fans are still pretty in the dark as to where the story could go. However, recent leaked information about Genshin Impact may have revealed the fate of a main character and this seems to have great significance for the rest of the plot, but it is not necessarily funny. gamers.

Specifically, recent leaked information from Genshin Impact shows that Capitano may be sacrificed in this land of Natlan.
The discussion started thanks to a music file shared on the forums, labeled with the name Cinder City Capitano Tombstone or translated into Vietnamese meaning the music played on Capitano's grave – a reference to the death of Capitano. this character. If so, this is also reasonable evidence that it is entirely possible that this character is rumored to not be available on the banners.

In fact, Capitano was not the first Fatui to die. La Signora had to go through something like this quite a long time ago and has also created shock waves in the fan community to this day. La Signora was taken down by Raiden Shogun at the end of the Inazuma storyline. Many players hoped La Signora would finally be playable, and were ultimately disappointed by her seemingly irreversible death.

Genshin Impact is quickly approaching its final stages, and will surely end in Snezhnaya sooner or later. Snezhnaya is the last country the player has yet to explore, and is also home to the Fatui Harbingers. The Fatui Harbingers will likely become more prominent than ever in the Snezhnaya storyline, and if Capitano dies before then, it would be a pretty interesting twist for the story.