League of Legends update 12.13 opens up the opportunity to return to the meta for the Mage squad that has been overwhelmed by Assassins and Shi-oh-ju.
*Note for readers: Meta = (Most Effective Tactics Available).
DTCL version 12.13 has just been docked in Vietnam server on July 14, 2022, has brought many changes aimed at the “hot-tier” lineups in the old version such as Shi-oh-ju, Assassin . Not only the Assassin, the Huyen Long squad (healing), … continue to “suffer” a nerf.
Overview of update 12.13 DTCL
Critical Damage reduced from 15/30/50% => 5/25/45%.
Huyen Long:
Heal for max health changed from 40/70/70 (Double 125 heal) to 40/65/65 (Double 110 heal).
Along with that, the main 4 gold generals or the “God dragons” are also adjusted to weaker strength.
Corki: Attack speed reduced from 0.75 to 0.7.
Daeja: Skill damage increased from 225/350/1500 => 250/375/1800.
Daeja: Passive skill damage reduced from 30/45/200 => 25/40/150.
Shi Oh Yu: Attack combo damage reduced from 325/350/1000 => 265/275/1000%.
Shi Oh Yu: Stun duration reduced from 1.5 => 1.25 seconds.
Sy’fen: Skill damage on charge reduced from 225/235/500 => 150/150/300%.
Xayah: Attack speed reduced from 0.75 => 0.7.
Shi Oh Yu – Daeja was “nerfed” badly
No more Assassins, no more powerful “Dragon Gods” like Shi Oh Yu, the Mage squad seems to have found its “return day”. Besides, the “small” power-ups for key wizards like Vladimir, Nami, Zoe also signal the return of the “king”. In particular, the duo “Vla – Nami” benefited from the upgraded “Shang Long” clan.
Upper Dragon: Skill damage increased from 5/30/70 => 10/40/80.
Vladimir: Max mana reduced from 0/80 => 0/70.
Nami: Mana adjusted from 50/90 => 25/75.
Zoe: Mana changed from 60/120 => 50/100.
Game4V would like to offer a way to build the most basic Wizard squad, to help you climb the rank.
Build a Mage squad:
Dragon god upgrade:
Mage-specific god dragon upgrades like Sorcerer’s Heart or Sorcerer’s Soul are the best for the Mage squad. In addition, in season 7, the special core “Magic Conference” (Each round with the player will give you 1 random mage champion) is also very stable for the Mage squad. With the Magic Conference core – Zoe’s 3-star wish is not too difficult to fulfill.
All 3 god dragon upgrades are very useful for the Mage squad
Besides, some cores like the URF Item Bag will give you 1 shovel to help turn the Mage for the squad. The god dragon upgrades for money and items like “Pandora’s Box”, “Technologist” (Get 1 Statikk Electric Knife) or “God Gives” are also great for this squad.
Early game stage:
Prioritize picking up Tears or Oversized Rods – Mage core items are needed – at market rounds. The magician has the strong point of being able to easily pair up with Thuong Long to “earn more” very early, and “toad” Mam to create an advantage in numbers.
Basic formation to help you “survive” through the early game
Pair items like Shojin’s Rageblade, Statikk’s Electric Knife if available early, very effective in keeping health and damage dealt from mages.
Mid game:
Try to level up to earn Ryze – the main card of the Mage squad – with Sylas to strengthen the squad’s resistance.
France’s mid-match lineup
Just Shojin, Ryze will prove “unmatched” when completely offset the amount of damage done for the squad. Along with the stamina guaranteed by Sylas, Illaoi is additionally “buffed” due to Nami’s Tide. You can absolutely hit the winning streak with this formation.
Final stage:
At this stage, you can choose to “roll” (The act of burning gold continuously to find the desired piece in 1 turn) the mains like Nami, Ryze, Sylas to 3 stars. Or go up to level 8 to complete the Mage squad with the main element of Zoe 5 gold.
Complete Mage squad at level 8
With the addition of Zoe as well as Bard, the Mage squad will become more annoying than ever with a huge amount of control. Top 4 is not too difficult if you get to this squad.
The power of the Mage squad in version 12.13
The basic but highly effective formation, the feeling of “punching the whole house” (Term of the DTCL addicts – Used when the enemy cannot defeat any of his pieces) is easy with “Thuy”. Tide” from Nami as well as Ryze’s massive damage over time. Do not hesitate any longer without “spaming” this squad right in version 12.13 of League of Legends. However, Game4V advises you to arrange the generals as well as “spend money” in the most reasonable way to win a high position in the match.
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