1. Prilin

Prilin is the fusion result of Piccolo and Krillin.
Based on the Dragon Ball story, Piccolo and Krillin should not have been able to use the Metamoran race's Fusion Dance fusion technique because their bodies are very different. Even so, Akira Toriyama fulfilled the wishes of fans who were wondering what would happen if these two Z warriors merged with drawings.
Since this is just an image, Prilin never appeared in the Dragon Ball anime or manga and only appeared in the game Dragon Ball Fusions.
2. Xeno Vege

Xeno Vegeks is a combination of Xeno Vegeta and Xeno Trunks, versions of Vegeta and Trunks from another dimension who joined the Time Patrol. Xeno Vegeks is the result of a combination of using Potara earrings.
Xeno Vegeks appears in the games Dragon Ball Heroes and Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission.
3. Tiencha

Tiencha is a combination of Tien Shinhan and Yamcha using Fusion Dance technique. Tiencha was first introduced in the game Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 2 as a playable Dragon Ball fusion character.
4. Karoly

Are you curious what would happen if Goku merged with the legendary Super Saiyan Broly? The game Dragon Ball Fusions introduced Karoly, the fusion warrior from Kakarot and Broly. Unlike previous Dragon Ball fusions, Karoly was combined using the Metamo-Ring, a tool that has only appeared in the Dragon Ball Fusions games to date.
It was mentioned in V-Jump that Karoly is stronger than Vegito!
5. Cellulose

Can you imagine what would happen if Goku's two strongest enemies joined forces? Celluza is the answer.
Celluza is the result of the fusion of Cell and Frieza, using the Metamo-Ring like Karoly. His body shape is similar to Cell's but his color is more similar to Frieza's.
6. Majin Satan

Majin Satan is a combination of Majin Buu and Satan using the Fusion Dance technique. As a result, their combined design looks like Majin Buu wearing a Satan costume.
Likewise, Majin Satan's power is most likely dominated by Majin Buu, who is clearly stronger than Mr. Satan. Even so, the strong friendship between the two is said to be able to produce truly wonderful union results.
7. Whirus

This can be considered the strongest Dragon Ball fusion result of all time because this time the participants are Whis and Beerus. It even mentions in its character profile that Whirus is the most powerful being in the universe!
But like Whis and Beerus, Whirus has a weakness for delicious food, so it can be bribed with delicious food.