Bleach is filled with incredibly strong female characters. Some excel because of their mental and physical strength. Others excel because they have very specialized abilities to exploit.
Like many shonen anime and manga, Bleach is a series filled with great female characters. The conventions of the demographic mean that female characters, unfortunately, don't often get to do as much as male characters, but whenever they do get to do something, be it heroic or villainous, it ends up being one of the highlights of the current plot and the series as a whole.
The female characters in the Bleach anime almost always have great performances, especially when it comes to their strength. Despite being outnumbered by the male characters, female characters of Bleach There is always a great opportunity to show your strength.and in many cases, they become some of the strongest characters in the series.
This is especially true of the 10 female characters in particular, and all of their strengths are worth highlighting.
10 Suì-Fēng is nearly invincible in hand-to-hand combat.
Captain of Team 2
Suì-Fēng is the Soul Reaper captain of Squad 2 and the head of Onmitsukido, the secret police force of Soul Society. Befitting her dual positions, Suì-Fēng is a serious person with unwavering determination, although that attitude tends to waver whenever she is around Yoruichi and has the opportunity to flatter her.
As a captain, Suì-Fēng is one of the most powerful Soul Reapers, with her Shikai, Suzumebachi, rarely failing to kill an opponent, and her Bankai, Jakuho Raikoben, having incredible explosive power to make up for her lack of stealth and accuracy. Additionally, Suì-Fēng is the only Soul Reaper with physical abilities comparable to Yoruichi.She is even the only other person to master Shunko. There are very few characters at Suì-Fēng's level, and every battle she engages in shows very well why.
9 Liltotto is a prominent warrior in Sternritter
Sternritter “G”: The Glutton
Liltotto Lamperd is a Sternritter and a member of the “Bambies”, a group of female Sternritters who often hang out with Babmietta Basterbine. While most of the group is a mix of loud and eccentric, Liltotto is a rather serious girl, except for her swearing, but deep down, she truly cares for those she considers friends and allies.
Liltotto's Schrift, “The Glutton”, allows her to open her mouth wide to eat anything, and while it initially seems like a basic ability, the novel Can't Fear Your Own World reveals that Glutton allows Liltotto to use the powers of anyone she eats until they are fully digested.thus making it an extremely versatile ability. Add to that his consistently impressive feats of strength and durability, many of which surpass those of other Bambis, and Liltotto easily becomes one of the strongest members of the Sternritter.
8 Bambietta is easily the strongest female warrior in the Wandenreich
Sternritter “E”: Explosion
Bambietta Basterbine is a Sternritter and, as her name implies, the leader of the all-female group of Quincies known collectively as the Bambies. In addition to being arrogant and haughty, Bambietta is also defined by her anger and explosive temper, even going so far as to murder those she has sex with as a form of stress relief.
Befitting her explosive personality, Bambietta's Schrift is “The Explode”, allowing her to turn anything her Reishi touches into a bomb, and with the power of Vollstandig, Bambietta defeated someone as strong as Shinji without breaking a sweat.. Bambietta was then quickly defeated by Komamura and the power of his new human form, but even so, it was difficult to see her as anything other than the strongest female Quincy in the Wandenreich.
7 Rukia's growth as a warrior was amazing to witness
Bleach's female protagonist
Rukia Kuchiki is one of the main supporting characters of Bleach and is the one who gives Ichigo her Soul Reaper powers at the beginning of the series. Rukia spends most of the first half of the story on the sidelines, but as she regains her powers and gradually overcomes her emotional issues, Rukia becomes much more confident and a determined fighter among Ichigo's allies.
Rukia's Shikai, Sode no Shirayuki, allows her to lower the temperature of her surroundings to such an extreme that she can freeze anything she touches, and her Bankai, Hakka no Togame, takes that to the point where she can kill Äs Nödt with a single blow. Rukia has some of the strongest development as a fighter in Bleach, and the fact that Rukia becomes captain of Squad 13 at the end of Bleach is the greatest proof of that.
6 Yoruichi has been one of Bleach's strongest fighters since day one.
Master of Hand-to-Hand Combat in Bleach
Yoruichi Shihoin is the former captain of Squad 2 and Urahara's best friend and confidant. Initially introducing herself as a talking cat, after Yoruichi revealed her true form, she became one of Ichigo's strongest allies in the fight against Aizen and later in the final battle against the Wandenreich.
Despite being a Soul Reaper, Yoruichi never fought with a Zanpakuto, but she was still a powerful fighter. Yoruichi was a master of Shunko, a special technique that combined Hakuda's physical abilities with Kido's magical abilities, and she used it to add powerful lightning-based effects to her attacks. In Shunko's most powerful form, Yoruichi becomes an uncontrollable beast, almost powerful enough to defeat Askin Nakk Le Vaar, one of the strongest Schutzstaffel.. Yoruichi may not have the best track record among Bleach's fighters, but she's still very strong.
5 Bleach Novels That Introduce One of the Story's Strongest Characters in Aura
Bleach's Strongest Fullbringer
Aura Michibane is a Fullbringer introduced in the novel Can't Fear Your Own World. Aura was raised completely isolated from the world because her father feared she would attract Hollows, leaving her with almost no emotions even as an adult, and after her father's death, she met Tokinada Tsunayashiro out of a need to find her purpose in life.
Because she has no emotional attachments, Aura's Fullbring abilities do not go beyond the basic ability of transmuting matter, but because Aura's powers come from the Soul King's Saketsu, she can use them to create powerful constructs and even make her body completely invisible. During her battle with Uraraha, Urahara states that Aura's powers are comparable to Aizen's, though they are less refined.and that is the clearest proof of her ability.
4 Orihime is the most underrated warrior in Bleach
Bleach's Strongest Healer
Orihime Inoue is the main heroine of Bleach and Ichigo's first love. Orihime often comes across as a quirky and goofy girl, but deep down she is a kind girl who always tries to find ways to support her friends and push them to be the best versions of themselves, even if she doesn't always have the strength to stand by them.
Orihime is a Fullbringer whose Fullbring, Shun Shun Rikka, manifests as six fairy-like creatures, primarily suited for creating powerful shields and healing, the latter of which stems from her reality-denying abilities. Eventually, Orihime's shields become strong enough to block attacks from Yhwach in his final form, and although she was never a true warrior, it has been clearly demonstrated that Orihime's kind nature is the only thing that prevents her from becoming one of the Bleachthe strongest character of.
3 Unohana is secretly one of Bleach's strongest Soul Reapers
Original Kenpachi
Retsu Unohana is the captain of Squad 4, introduced as a strong woman and healer with a hidden dark side. However, that dark side turns out to be her true self, as Unohana's real name is Yachiru Unohana, the first Kenpachi, founder of Squad 11 and Soul Society's most notorious serial killer with an unparalleled bloodlust.
As the original Kenpachi, Unohana's physical abilities are among the best of any Soul Reaper.even surpassing Kenpachi Zaraki for a long time, and her healing ability is so strong that she can instantly revive someone. Add in the acid and regeneration abilities of her Bankai, and it's easy to see why Unohana is part of the strongest generation of Soul Reapers, even if she never had many opportunities to show her true power.
2 Kirio Hikifune Earns His Place in the Royal Guard
Squad Zero's King of Cereals
Kirio Hikifune is the former captain of the 12th Division and the Holy Guardian of the South of the Royal Guard, an elite group of Soul Reapers tasked with protecting the Soul King. Like all members of the Royal Guard, Hikifune was recruited for his great contributions to Soul Society, most notably the creation of artificial souls that formed the basis of Mod Souls such as Kon.
Hikifune has very little chance to fight, but she has powerful support abilities such as creating food to restore someone's strength and summoning nearly impenetrable branches that absorb energy on contact. Not only that, like all members of the Royal Guard, Hikifune's Bankai is so powerful that simply activating it can disrupt the balance of the three realms.So she easily becomes one of the strongest female characters of Bleach in particular and characters in general.
1 Senjumaru Shutara is easily one of the strongest Soul Reapers in Bleach
The Weaver Guards of Squad Zero
Senjumaru Shutara is another member of the Royal Guard who holds the title of Holy Guardian of the North. Also known as the “Great Weave Guard,” Senjumaru is responsible for creating the shihakusho, the uniform worn by all Soul Reapers, and she can even use her abilities to infuse Oken, the bones of the Royal Guard, into someone’s clothing to increase their durability and resistance to energy-based attacks.
Senjumaru's Zanpakuto revolves around turning sewing and mats into weapons, with her Bankai, Shatatsu Karagara Shigarami no Tsuji, trapping people in a giant sewing room to attack them with a variety of attacks that even the Schutzstaffel, Yhwach's elite bodyguards, cannot overcome. The fact that Senjumaru is the one who uses Bankai shows that Senjumaru is the strongest member of the Royal Guard after Ichibei.and that makes her stand out easily as strongest female character in Bleach.